The Best American Essays 2016 Page 40
Bonnie Costello
The English-Speaking Union, The Southern Review, Autumn
Lisa Fay Coutley
Why to Run Racks, Prairie Schooner, Winter
Abigail Covington
When the Fire Broke Out, Oxford American, no. 91
Paul Crenshaw
Cold, The Southwest Review, vol. 100, no. 2
Matt Crossman
The Last #Tweet, Charlotte, November
John Crowley
On Not Being Well Read, Harper’s Magazine, March
Hal Crowther
Terminal Depression: Is It Just Me? Narrative, Fall
Christine Cusick
A Call to Tea, New Hibernia Review, Winter
Jim Dameron
A Eulogy for the Living, Agni, no. 81
J. D. Daniels
Letter from the Primal Horde, Paris Review, Spring
Renee E. D’Aoust
The Line of No Trees, Ragazine, November
Dawn S. Davies
King of the World, The Missouri Review, Winter
Carol Ann Davis
Eva Hesse Material: A Memoir, American Poetry Review, November/December
Rod Davis
Her Dark Places, D Magazine, October
Patrick Deeley
The Hurley-Maker’s Son, New Hibernia Review, Spring
Brent DeLanoy
Airhead, The Missouri Review, Spring
Tammy DeLatorre
Diving Lessons, Slippery Elm, 2015
Mensah Demary
This Is How You Become an Editor, Catapult, September 24
Timothy Denevi
Pigs, Sea, The Normal School, vol. 8, no. 1
Wiliam Deresiewicz
The Death of the Artist and the Birth of the Creative Entrepreneur, The Atlantic, January/February
Elizabeth Evitts Dickinson
Notes from a Suicide, Post Road, no. 29
Laura Michele Diener
The Ash Tree, Lake Effect, no. 19
Laura S. Distelheim
Nocturne in the Key of We, Hunger Mountain, no. 19
Sharon Dolin
The Man Who Knew Too Much and the Girl Who Knew Too Little, Five Points, vol. 17, no. 1
Kristin Dombek
Going South, Epiphany, Summer
Matt Donovan
Garden of the Fugitives, The Kenyon Review, March/April
Noam Dorr
Love Drones, Gulf Coast, Winter/Spring
David Downie
Glasnost and Wedding Bells, Chicago Quarterly Review, no. 21
Brian Doyle
Sensualiterature, Creative Nonfiction, Winter
Lindey Drager
To Possess Is to Extinguish: A Gothic Essay, Copper Nickel, no. 21
Laurence Dumortier
The Best Time I Lost My Virginity in the Catacombs of Paris, The Hairpin, June 15
Katherine Dykstra
Siena, The Common, October 20
Gwendolyn Edward
The Business of Bodies, Cleaver Magazine, no. 12
Chase Edwards
Roundabout the Rat Cage, Yemassee, Spring
Dave Eggers
Nowhere Near Reykjavik, Fifth Wednesday, Fall
Barbara Ehrenreich
Mind Your Own Business, The Baffler, no. 27
Gretel Ehrlich
Rotten Ice, Harper’s Magazine, April
Sue Eisenfeld
Wild Feast, Little Patuxent Review, Winter
Gena Ellett
The Back Roads, Event, vol. 44, no. 3
David Emblidge
Asleep in the Cottage, The Southwest Review, vol. 100, no. 4
Anjali Enjeti
Borderline, Prime Number, October
Joseph Epstein
Whatever Happened to High Culture, The Weekly Standard, November 9
Pamela Erens
Crave, The Virginia Quarterly Review, Spring
Melissa Faliveno
Driftless, Midwestern Gothic, Fall
Laura Farrell
Things Blur, OC87 Recovery Diaries, February 18
Steve Featherstone
Destiny, USA, n+1, Winter
Micah Fields
How to Write a War Poem, Hayden’s Ferry Review, Fall/Winter
Gary Fincke
Proximity, December, Spring/Summer
Caitlin Flanagan
That’s Not Funny, The Atlantic, September
Daisy Florin
Crash, Under the Gum Tree, July
Paul Ford
Code: An Essay, Bloomberg Businessweek, June 15
Soyini Ayanna Forde
Teet’, Cleaver Magazine, no. 12
Robert Long Foreman
Why I Write Nonfiction, Copper Nickel, no. 20
Patricia Foster
The Lost Years, Colorado Review, Spring
Matthew Gavin Frank
Grasshopper Diptych, Midwestern Gothic, Fall
Joey Franklin
The Full Montaigne, Ninth Letter, Fall/Winter
Jonathan Franzen
Carbon Capture, The New Yorker, April 6
Ian Frazier
The Syrian Woman, Portland, Winter
Steve Friedman
My Sister, the Runner? Runner’s World, January/February
Rebekah Frumkin
Atypical, Catapult, December 11
Andrew Furman
Starting from Seed, The Southern Review, Spring
Brendan Galvin
A Few Thousand Walks by the Little Pamet River: One Poet’s Geography, Sewanee Review, Summer
J. Malcolm Garcia
The Feral Children of Kabul, Tampa Review, no. 50
Kenneth Garcia
Cattle, Casinos, and Cathouses, The Southwest Review, vol. 100, no. 2
Emily Geminder
Coming To: A Lexicology of Fainting, Prairie Schooner, Summer
Elizabeth Gentry
The Possum, the Wren, and My Animal-Soul, Third Coast, Fall
Philip Gerard
Sherman’s Final March, Our State, February
David Gessner
The Prankster and the Professor, Tin House, no. 64
Ethan Gilsdorf
The Day My Mother Became a Stranger, Boston Magazine, May
D. Gilson
Michael Jackson & Michel Foucault Walk into a Bar, The Threepenny Review, Fall
Amanda Giracca
The Art of Butchery, Aeon, April 24
William Giraldi
Object Lesson, The New Republic, May
Amy Glynn
Apple, Literal Latte, Spring
Flora Gonzalez
The Sewing Room, Solstice, Summer
Adam Gopnik
The Driver’s Seat, The New Yorker, February 2
Alison Gopnik
David Hume and the Buddha, The Atlantic, October
Emily Fox Gordon
Confessing and Confiding, The American Scholar, Spring
Vivian Gornick
Why I Live Where I Live, The New Republic, November
Michael Gracey
My Own Good Daemon, Ninth Letter, Fall/Winter
T. Austin Graham
Songs of the Century, New Literary History, vol. 4, no. 4
Sue Granzella
Andiamo! Ascent, May 20
Allison Green
Twenty Hours and Ten Minutes of Therapy, The Gettysburg Review, Spring
Stephen Greenblatt
Shakespeare in Tehran, The New York Review of Books, April 2
Mark Grief
Seeing Through Police, n+1, Spring
Genese Grill
Almandal Grimoire: The Book as Magical Object, The Georgia Review, Winter
Ona Gritz
It’s Time, The Rumpus, August 12
Melissa Grunow
We’re All Mad Here: A Field Guide to Feigning Sanity, Limestone, Fall
Penny Guisinger
The Sound of Galton’s Whistle, The Rumpus, June 14
; Margaret Morganroth Gullette
Morgie Waits for Her Future Self to Appear, South Street, Fall
Debra Gwartney
We All Must Live by the Rules, Tin House, no. 63
Shahnaz Habib
Hospitality, Brevity, September 3
Meaghan Hackinen
Where the Tide Rushes Between, One Throne Magazine, Fall
Rachel Hadas
The Honors Student, the Plagiarist, and the Fan, Hotel Amerika, Winter
Jessica Erica Hahn
Last Man Standing, Prick of the Spindle, no. 8
James Allen Hall
Be Destroyed, Alaska Quarterly Review, Spring/Summer
Jane Eaton Hamilton
Never Say I Didn’t Bring You Flowers, Full Grown People, January 8
Jeffrey Hammond
Eight-Per-Five, Under the Sun, Summer
Liz Windhorst Harmer
Correctives, Prism, Winter
Bonnie Harris
Irene, Profane, Winter
Webb Harris Jr.
Long Time Comin’: The Education of Brother Webb, Southern Humanities Review, vol. 48, no. 4
Lee Haupt
The Ring, Image, no. 87
Karen Hayes
CV x K, Passages North, no. 36
Ursula Hegi
I’m Searching for a Home for Unwed Girls, New England Review, vol. 36, no. 3
Danny Heitman
Our Contemporary, Montaigne, Humanities, March/April
Robin Hemley
Border Crossing, Orion, July/August
Aleksandar Hemon
In Search of Lost Space, Freeman’s, no. 1
Julie Henson
Sisters Peeling, New Ohio Review, Fall
Michelle Herman
Gone, Creative Nonfiction, Winter
Daisy Hernandez
Los Ojos, Dogwood, Spring
Doug Hesse
Teaching a Stone to Read, Fourth Genre, Fall
Emily Hipchen
Hush, Under the Sun, Summer
Edward Hoagland
The Mysteries of Attraction, The American Scholar, Autumn
Ann Hodgman
Against Locavores, Tin House, no. 63
Ming Holden
Jacqueline and the Negative Imagination, Hayden’s Ferry Review, Fall/Winter
BJ Hollars
Hirofukushima, Passages North, no. 36
Ann Hood
Abingdon Square, The Normal School, vol. 8, no. 2
Bell Hooks
Writing Without Labels, Appalachian Heritage, Fall
Elizabeth Hoover
Smudge, Story Quarterly, no. 48
Patricia Horvath
Wrath, The Los Angeles Review, Fall
Kerry Howley
The Cage of You, Granta, no. 132
William Huhn
You Forgot These, Thema, Autumn
Christine Hume
Ventifacts, Conjunctions, no. 64
Courtney Humphries
Teeth, Bluestem, Spring
Erica Hunt
Chasing a Ghost, Portrait of My Father, The Literary Review, Fall
Barbara Hurd
The Ear Is a Lonely Hunter, Ecotone, Fall
Pico Iyer
The Foreign Spell, Lapham’s Quarterly, Winter
Stanley Jacobs
The Oriel Window, Tampa Review, no. 50
Alison Condie Jaenicke
I Slept Well if You Slept Well, Isthmus, Fall/Winter
Evan James
Grotesk, Oxford American, no. 90
Leslie Jamison
Giving Up the Ghost, Harper’s Magazine, March
Fenton Johnson
Going It Alone, Harper’s Magazine, April
Lacy M. Johnson
On Mercy, Guernica, October 1
Alex R. Jones
Small Time, The Sun, April
Louis B. Jones
Varney’s, The Threepenny Review, Fall
Latoya Jordan
After Striking a Fixed Object, Manifest-Station, July 22
Fabienne Josaphat
Summer Is an Empty House, Grist, no. 8
Howard Kaplan
The St. Jude’s Old-Timers Softball Draft Night, Splice Today, May 6
Moss Kaplan
Viewing the Dead, The Literary Review, Fall
Garrett Keizer
Hokusai’s Octopus: A Romp at the Edge of the Deep, The Kenyon Review, May/June
Anne Marie Kennedy
Nowhere on the Chart, New Hibernia Review, Autumn
Randall Kennedy
Lifting as We Climb, Harper’s Magazine, October
Thomas E. Kennedy
Prudence and Method, New Letters, vol. 82, no. 1
Harrison Scott Key
Man Is But an Ass, Image, no. 84
Ralph Keyes
Smoking with Mom, The Antioch Review, Winter
Porochista Khakpour
Federer as Irreligious Experience, Prairie Schooner, Winter
Lydia Kiesling
Beautiful Babies, The Millions, July 28
Jean Kim
The Hijacked Flight My Mother Didn’t Take, Medium, February
Kenneth King
At the Crossroads, North Dakota Quarterly, vol. 82, no. 4
Martha King
Outside Inside, A Public Space, no. 23
Alison Kinney
The Uses of Orphans, The New Inquiry, October 2
Dasha Kiper
Hope Is the Enemy, The American Scholar, Autumn
Cassandra Kircher
No More to the Lake, North Dakota Quarterly, vol. 80, no. 2
Judith Kitchen
Breath, River Teeth, Spring
Jacqueline Kolosov
Pilgrimage to St. Ives, The Sewanee Review, Summer
Mary Kudenov
A History of Smoking, The Southampton Review, Spring
Don Lago
Message from Space, Michigan Quarterly Review, Winter
Hafeez Lakhani
The Argument, Crazyhorse, Fall
Annie Lampan
The Joints That Hold Us Together, The Massachusetts Review, Fall
Heather Kirn Lanier
The R-Word, The Sun, May
Lance Larsen
Too Many Mysteries to Shake a Stick At, The Southwest Review, vol. 100, no. 1
Peter LaSalle
Invisible Travel: A Cycle Concerning the Creative Imagination, in Nine Parts, The Literary Review, Fall
Victor Lavalle
Run Your Shit, Tin House, no. 65
David Lazar
To the Reader, Sincerely, The Normal School, vol. 8, no. 2
Anna Leahy
The Give and Take of Grief, The Weeklings, January 30
Harvey Leeds
They’re Not Pretending Anymore, Green Mountains Review, vol. 28, no. 2
Lawrence Lenhart
Dogsucker: The Written Oral, Alaska Quarterly Review, Spring/Summer
Sarah K. Lenz
Killing Chickens, New Letters, vol. 81, nos. 3 and 4
Brigitte Leschhorn
Ghosts March in Ferguson, MO, Crab Orchard Review, Summer/Fall
Shara Lessley
Point Blank, The Gettysburg Review, Winter
Gabriel Levin
Our Sorrow and Our Love Move into a Foreign Language, Salamander, no. 41
Cynthia Lewis
Big Love, The Hudson Review, Summer
Michael Lewis
The White Stuff, Vanity Fair, November
Alison Lie
Her Boyhood, Catamaran, Fall
Kerstin Lieff
A Boy Named Klaus, The Southeast Review, vol. 33, no. 1
Michael Lindenberger
The Vanishing Terrain of Gay America, The New Republic, July/August
Brandon Lingle
Tourniquet, The Southeast Review, vol. 33, no. 2
Gordon Lish
Postcards, The Antioch Review, Fall
Mel Livatinor />
How Do We Love? Notre Dame Magazine, Winter
Roberto Loiederman
Roadblock, Fifth Wednesday, Spring
Priscilla Long
Old Things, Used Things, The Antioch Review, Fall
Phillip Lopate
Experience Necessary, Salmagundi, Winter/Spring
Barry Lopez
The Invitation, Granta, no. 133
Alice Lowe
My Quarrel with Grieving, Permafrost, Winter
Sara Beth Lowe
Ridge Hounds, The Louisville Review, Fall
Jennifer Lunden
Evidence, River Teeth, Spring
Rachel Luria
The Rush Gives Warmth Enough, Sport Literate, vol. 9, no. 1
Stephen J. Lyons
The River Will Have the Last Word, Narratively, August 27
Monica Macansantos
Becoming a Writer: The Silences We Write Against, TAYO Literary Magazine, May 31
Jody Mace
The Population of Me, Full Grown People, June 23
Carmen Maria Machado
A Girl’s Guide to Sexual Purity, The Los Angeles Review of Books, March 5
Kyo Maclear
Faltering, Brick, no. 95
Steve Macone
On Taphonomy: Digging for Dinosaurs in My Twenties, The Atlantic, October 16
J. B. MacKinnon
Facing Fear, Orion, May/June
Patrick Madden
Spit, Fourth Genre, Spring
Terese Marie Mailhot
I Know I’ll Go, Burrow Press Review, August 18
Patrick Mainelli
Hope, Change, Etc., Isthmus, Spring/Summer
Antonia Malchik
Bitterroot, 1966: A Journal of Creative Nonfiction, Summer
Pamela Mandell
Berry B., The Los Angeles Review, Spring
Corinne Manning
The Language of Kudzu, Lake Effect, no. 19
Terrance Manning Jr.
Leave Them Hurtin’ When You Leave, Crazyhorse, Fall
Stephen Marche
The Ghost of Hemingway, Esquire, October
Jeannie Marshall
A Kind of Hunger, Brick, no. 95
Chelsea Martin
Voluntary Responses to Involuntary Sensations, Catapult, September 10
Clancy Martin
We Buy Broken Gold, Lapham’s Quarterly, Spring
Lucy Martin
Abe & I, Witness, Spring
Marilyn Martin
State of Grace, Third Coast, Fall
Greg Marshall
Suck Ray Blue, Tampa Review, no. 50
Michael Martone
Live Blogging My Father’s Death, Witness, Spring
Alexandria Marzano-Lesnevich
The Taste of Sardines, Hotel Amerika, Winter
David Masello
Come Through for Me, Gay & Lesbian Review, July/August
Daniel Mason
Rogue Wounds, Lapham’s Quarterly, Spring
Ryan Masters
Unless a Kernel of Wheat Falls, Image, no. 87
Melissa Matthewson